Nov 8, 2008

French wedding photo, 2008 stone sanctuary

Looking at this photo from a the August wedding of friend's youngest child raised several questions in my mind. There is the stone church many centuries old; there are the nieces and nephews of the extended family, along with other children growing swiftly each on his or her own trajectory; there are the bright colors and festive hats worn by grown women, as well as the flowers and the Persian rug laid over the cool stone floor.

1. Is church experience mainly about the building and procedures lending continuity and persistence to the institution? How best to reconcile the core message of Christianity (love thy God; love thy neighbor as thyself) with the physical facts of maintaining the physical and social institution/infrastructure of the Religion? Do the material facts support or distract from these uppermost aims?

2. The transience of the wedding ceremony: at this frozen moment in time all is clear and happy, but the viccitudes of time, aging and death as well as birth contrast sharply with the appearance of unchangeability of the stone architecture.

Feb 5, 2008

sermon reflections 3 Feb 2008

MWOlson's sermon, "God Butts In" and examples of grace:

-Word roots (Latin, Greek, Hebrew) for grace?

-Old Testament instances of the word or concept? cf. 'blessing' (something that a person in power has the discretion to bestow)

-Related words (English): graceful, graceless, disgrace, (no) saving grace

-Related words (non-English): muchas gracias (Spanish for "many thanks given"), merci (French for "thanks bestowed")

-Related concepts: mercy, karitas (charity or Christian love), blessing

-Dynamic shifts in core and the connotated meanings as evidenced in key (English) texts of AD 400, 800, 1200, 1600, 2000?

-Expressions of grace compared for Father, for Son, for Holy Ghost (does grace pertain to each)?

-Grace evidenced for Big Figures: Moses, Isaiah, Paul, Jesus?

-Old Testament vs. New Testament instances of grace?

-Grace examples or references in Psalms? Proverbs? (Jewish) Laws?

bill moyers amazing grace (1990)

Amazing Grace With Bill Moyers Television show

This unique program presents adaptations of an enduring hymn, from country music to gospel to folk, in one of PBS' highest-rated programs ever. Judy Collins sings in Columbia's St. Paul's Chapel, then recalls how "Amazing Grace" carried her past alcoholism. Jessye Norman sends "Amazing Grace" soaring across Manhattan Center footlights.

Watch video - 1 min 56 sec -

pbs tv 2007, Bill Moyers on Amish grace

October 5, 2007 (
October 2 marked the one-year anniversary of the shootings in an Amish schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania that left five girls dead and five wounded. Non-Amish observers have expressed surprise at the community's quickness to forgive the murderer — a sentiment the community reiterated in an anniversary statement, a statement which also stressed the community's wish for privacy: "The Amish do not wish publicity for doing what Jesus taught and want to make sure that glory is given to God for that witness...forgiveness is a journey... you need help from your community and from make and hold on to a decision to not become a hostage to hostility. It is understood that hostility destroys community." -- read the full statement, (PDF)