Feb 28, 2012

Pray for right relationship, then the rest will follow

"His will be done." That comes from striving for the right heart (+spirit +mind +strength/body): so long as you reach toward Holiness and the giving heart of God's 'karitas' (love), then whatever actions follow, and the responses to whatever circumstances are presented to you will result is "His will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

Maybe the analogy of golf works here: with proper posture, grip, habits of swing and correct frame of mind (un-preoccupied; fully present), then as a natural result the ball will travel where it should. So, too, the habits of one's heart and the discipline (re+ligare) of being fully present when engaging with others, fully open to God's will, and fully vigilant against Ego interfering will produce the best fruits of one's efforts.

There is an apparent conflict of driving in the direction of Holiness on the one hand, and going to places that appear unholy and Worldly. How best to reconcile these different destinations?