Every seeker has a certain capacity for curiosity and righteousness; a certain appetite to feed periodically. Such is the reaching toward God that a person can make. Just when some sense or coherence appears, that is when we falsely foreclose the Infinite. We imagine that we have grasped, or at least touched, or merely brushed against the Omnipotent. As long as you paddle your boat, walk your path, and engage in some way, then the Word is alive. But should you ever feel in control, in command of knowledge or blessed by some sort of wisdom, then you are merely self-referential; going around in circles and looking at your mirrored image and mistaking this for the Creator. Being connected to the vine is the thing, not to encompass or understand the vine, but instead to be connected to it.
As a young creature this connection may be implicit in things like a strong body or gleeful play. Even a laugh touches a person's heart and those within earshot. But as a knowledge-hungry grown-up such things as words and pictures are depended on for connecting to the Infinite and Omnipresent. Later on, with the benefit of age or at least the benefit of wider life experience, then we my feel less need to explain or grasp a thing because appreciation and knowing of the thing can be obtained more simply, much like a child is doing without articulating it verbally or intellectually. God just is; and so we just are.
And so there is some comfort in knowing that one's searching for God and longing to know him better comes from basic connections: spending time and focus and fellowship in The Word. There is no need or even possibility of getting to the end of study and search. But merely the effort will yield habits and fruit.