But others are hungry for an experience with lots of music, movement or dance, plenty of interchange to engage the whole self - body and heart and mind- in praising God. So the brassier, the more syncopated, multi-colored and digitally connected, the better. When VR goggles become affordable, let us have them on our heads, too, by this logic & this appetite for stimulation.
This image, https://www.flickr.com/photos/kritayuga/18425591593/in/explore-2015-06-22/, is a sweeping example of a man-made space that may catch you up in its majesty and scale.
The danger is to confuse the physical space with the thing it points to, God's own majesty, wonder and awe. So as long as you understand God's ever-presence, everywhere, and not confuse this built-space with God's postal address, then all is well.