Which is the goal and which is the process; which the means, which the ends?
Does one do lots of interactions (not for merit-making, but for training one's heart) in order to be more Christ-like? Or should the emphasis be on maintaining and thriving a heart of servanthood, righteousness attitude, and awareness of gratitude in order the actively engage with one's world in a more Christ-like way?
Perhaps the best clue comes from one of the names for God, "I AM." If the goal is to train one's heart to seek out God in places, people, and events big or small, then the actions along the way are facilitating this goal, but the action or lack of action by itself does not a Christian make. The path of older brother Jesus in an embodied experience; a chance to interact with the social and physical environment. That is to say, faith without action is incomplete; and yet, merely going through the motions, however charitable they may seem, does not particularly train one's heart. In other words, actions are necessary, but by themselves are not sufficient to produce and expand one's place in the world. Therefore strive for a heart that seeks after God and delights in the relationships formed with others travelimg this path, too.
The closing lines of my friend's lifetime poem show how important the lived, 3-dimensional, embodied experience is.
The purposeful meaning floods over me
To relate to our creator in time.
This is our task while we are living;
And its purpose can well be divine.
I must do it through personal relationships
For I conceive God in only this way.
As we live in true dialogue together
We become part of creation today.
St. Jovite, Quebec[full text at http:// tinyurl.com/wpr1968]