crucifix expressed in East Asia facial features |
At the conclusion of the evening program and the several questions, closing with a prayer (in Chinese, by request), an overall wider sense of the world's Christian followers emerged. But also there was a hint of confusion or Too Much Information. That is to say, is the way taught by Jesus so very esoteric and hard to grasp? Or is there just too much detail and interpretation for the average person to steer their own path each day and across their entire life course? When it comes to keeping one's focus on the teachings, is there much difference between confusion among new Christians (1st generation) and for the people in societies long engaged in the words and relationships modeled by Christ? Is knowing too much (information) an impediment to knowing Jesus in a relational, personal way? Hearing the others discuss various topics, comparisons, and clarifications with the visiting minister it seemed that each week's sermon, the rotating cycle of lectionary readings, and the titles of ever more Christian-genre literature can easily overwhelm a person in search of God's face and Jesus' comforting presence.
This picture from the Table of Contents of a visual telling of major events in Gospel writings gives one inventory of the essence of the life told there. For people who are weak readers due to age, education, or other impediment, this visual telling is helpful. But maybe its sparse telling also streamlines the excess of details that many people will struggle with.
click image for full-size file display: Gospel told in pictures |