Dec 27, 2012

Three things to grow

Recent men's Bible Study conversation brought up the idea that a person needs three sorts of things to propel him or herself forward with spiritual development and exercise:

  1. Word of God (read Bible with eyes or lips, wrestle with the meanings)
  2. Worship regularly with others (not a private, but social experience of praise & thanks)
  3. Fellowship (not to go it alone, but to live out the meanings with others interdependently)
So as one moves through the 3 physical dimensions of space and across the passage of time, the meanings recorded in ink and written in parts on a person's heart as well; the interaction and service to others & from others, and the repeating celebration in communal worship all play a part. Lacking one of the legs of this tripod will delay the stream of challenges and resolutions that comprise a life well lived.

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