Jul 24, 2013

movie, "Peter and Paul"

The film does a good job of placing the principal figures and events into a timeline and plot thread so that the many details fit into a large fabric. The question at the end, apart from knowing how accurate and representative the details and tone of the thing is, is to ask (1) about differences of individual Christ-followers then and now (is the scope, pace and significance of spiritual maturation and the ways to strive to be a Christian in the world); and to ask (2) about differences in the institution of the organization that gives one a way to express and request care-relationships with others and with God the Creator. In other words, if one were to compare the New Christians (1st generation; primitive church bodies) to legacy Christians of 2013 (that is, people with passive exposure or active inheritance of church-ianity) or to New Christians of 2013, then what differences are present and consequential? 

Is the primitive group of believers (lacking written scripture, facing survival despite persecution, little infrastructure or leadership wellsprings) a model or the kind of vehicle from Rabbi Jesus' time that would best bring us to the target (loving one's neighbors; loving one's God)? Or instead is our institution of 2013 a better vehicle to carry participants and invite along newcomers to the twin tasks of taking care of each other, and of relating to Elohim? 

Or indeed is there somewhere better that falls in-between then and now; having more supporting checks and balances and rich resources suited to the many learning styles and life experiences and therefore best suited to building each person's customized set of stairs that go from starting place in life up to the target (see above, again). Also, that 3rd way, would be having less of the dross that is layered onto 2013: stripping away the commercial dimensions, the corporate church-ianity, the Victorian swap of christmas cheer at the expense of the true glory of Easter, the pop-music scene of Christian commercial expression, the avalanche of publications in so many languages, the accessories and "lifestyle" Christianity that can lure but distract seekers of the Truth and the Way.

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