By keeping one eye on God, much like a compass or firm rudder, once may go to all corners of humanity to act on God's behalf. It is sort of like satellite radio for long-distance drivers. The signal is equally strong anyplace you may go; there is no need to search or to fine tune as the locations change. Wrestling with The Word (bible or engagement with others in study and fellowship) generates richer relationships. But while the teachings are precious, the ink and paper of the book are nothing. Thus the high regard for a Bible is not as object of veneration, power, magic or other idol-like worship, but rather it is because the act of personal connection and engagement convicts your sense of purpose. The words are not mere verbal beauty for bystanders, but instead require embrace and response --action (faith without deeds is empty).
So, yes, do put faith into action. But action does not always mean movement. It can be commitment made internally upon hearing a Bible passage. It can be forbearing not to interject opinions or advice when another person wants only to be listened to. It can be silent witness or fellowship without elaborate verbal articulation, analysis or rationalization.
Sales professionals and behavioral economists alike say that decisions are sparked by emotional response and that rationalization comes after the fact to shore up the emotional expression. Just so of God's calling - let your response be sparked by emotion, pure and unmitigated by verbal carrots and sticks. That is the best way to be God's agent in His World. No matter which way the winds blow or the current may run, still you may guide by the unchanging star of your maker's love for you in all seasons of life; times of plenty and when the cupboard is bare.
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