Apr 12, 2016

Bible engagement with pencil and markers - marginalia and filtering the main themes/functions

Long ago Thomas Jefferson gave the world the result of his careful slicing of pages to reveal only direct quotation or speaking parts of Jesus; the Jefferson Bible. Since then others have sifted for particular words, responses to given circumstances and so on. And with digital versions and a fast computer it is possible to pore over the lines of a particular translation in search of specific points, phrases or passages.
click for full-size view of J.B. well traveled Bible, newly retired from the pulpit
The Men's Bible Study talked about Acts more recently in 2005. Now that our lives have moved along and the world has continued on its way, it seems time to pick up Luke's guide to Christ followers then and now.
The coloring on these particular pages refer to themes that come up again and again in the pages of the Bible such as promises, God's acts, warnings/consequences, precepts/prohibitions, etc. Some are doctrinal some are more about Christian living. A book well used will show lots of signs of engagement on the page like this!

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