May 18, 2016

so many facets reflect in the morning light

At the Tuesday morning Men's Bible Study we pressed onward in the pages of Acts, chapter 2.
Normally we get through a good deal of a chapter each week, but sometimes there is so much tinder that we can start all sorts of fires to see the world by. This week was filled with conversations across diverse subjects: primary purpose of marriage (or is analytical ranking and splitting a legacy of the Greek system of thinking from long ago; whereas the truer grasp of the field of meaning is a totality, not distillable into isolated elements; perhaps marriage is a totality, not something with primary and secondary and terciary meanings or intentions), salvation (a New Testament preoccupation; but where are the analogs in Old Testament; or for that matter among today's Jews? Muslims?), new Christians who can handle 'the milk' but not 'the meat' yet (would it be meaningless to talk about Spiritual Maturity at the earliest opportunity, or just to bask in glory and comfort of the Holy Spirit), intersection of Spiritual Growth models to ones from Freud (ego, id, superego) and Jung (unconscious well of being), the tension of comprehending or even grasping at God's infinity versus the impossibility of doing so by mortals, taking God's name in vain (hitched to one's own purposes or claims). Other tangents escape me, now 36 hours later.

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