Feb 20, 2022

Fruit of the Spirit in a personalized light

Fruit (of the spirit) clipart search - what valuably matures.

Galatians 5:22-23 famously lists some of the ways that a loving heart is expressed in day to day situations, gradually growing more fully as one's love matures. Each of the outward and inward facets of a loving heart can be scaled to modern life and daily routines. In this exercise, below, two different translations lead, then in blue there is a daily-life application to consider or to fit to one's own terrain.

 The Fruit of the Spirit
is translated the following way in the New Revised Standard Version - at https://www.biblegateway.com/

[Hawai‘i Pidgin rephrased lines, Fo Da Galatia Peopo 5:22-23]

22 By contrast, the fruit of the Spirit [But if we stay tight wit Godʼs Spirit,]

is love, [he give us plenny love an aloha fo everybody.]
-----<in daily life; example> View strangers and friends all in a warm light, worthy of admiration

joy, [He make us guys stay good inside.]
-----<in daily life; example> Look in wonder at the glorious things all around, but be not blind to unglorious parts, too

peace, [He make our hearts rest inside.]
-----<in daily life; example> Be grateful and accept there is much beyond your control, responsibility, knowledge.

patience, [He help us wait fo da odda guy an stay cool.]
-----<in daily life; example> Step out of your tiny frame of reference to see impatience as a trigger for looking Godwards

kindness, [He help us tink good bout da odda peopo,]
-----<in daily life; example> So little is left from your time on earth, so count the small acts in your power to do as treasures

generosity, [an like do good kine stuff fo dem.]
-----<in daily life; example> Count the small acts in your power to do as treasures

faithfulness, [He help us do wat we promise.]
-----<in daily life; example> Integrity comes from speaking sincerely, like you mean it and fulfill it

23 gentleness, and [He help us make nice to peopo an do um wit good kine heart.]
-----<in daily life; example> Act only in good spirit, not from obligation or shame

self-control. [He help us stay in charge a ourself.]
-----<in daily life; example> As with gentleness, first calm yourself before engaging others

There is no law against such things. [No mo rules dat say you no can do all dat kine stuff.]

Consonant with Galatians 5, many of the chapters in Oliver Burkeman's book, "Four Thousand Weeks: Time management for mortals," put into perspective the short time frame most people fall into, whether they know it or are in denial. By keeping the passing days in perspective, so much of the Fruit of the Spirit stands out as the best way to go through one's days, numbered as they are like the hairs on your head..

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