Jan 16, 2024

God is Love but also Love is God?

God in fleshly form made it possible to see what it means to be righteous (not like Pharisees or Sadducees) among one's fellow residents, kindred or stranger. And since "God is Love" is the starting point or center of everything else, including the Greatest Commandment (to Love God; and to Love your neighbor as yourself), it stands to reason that the nearest that any one person can get to knowing God's nature and self ---since a mountain-top experience with a Burning Bush is most rare, indeed– will be to dive deeply into loving one's fellow child of God. In other words, if God is Love and also the reverse is true; that Love is God's innermost foundation, then devoting oneself to the care and commitment to others (both stranger and friend, and even one's enemy) is the most direct, substantive, and flesh-and-blood encounter with God.

However, all this conjecture is based on logic (logos), something that is useful to human interactions, but something which cannot encompass God's infinity. So much of who God is fills the space between words, in places no known language has touched. God's omniscience and omnipresence and eternity is much bigger than all the logic and syllables in the world. Therefore, equating God is Love to the equation stated the other way around, that Love is God, may well tangle itself in circle of logic and miss God altogether.

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