Sep 25, 2012

WWPD ---What Would Paul Do?

The catch-phrase WWJD (what would Jesus do... in this instance of my life) is a portable and painless way to challenge yourself to consider options before you; of how to respond, or how to take initiative in some matter. The effect is to make you more mindful and deliberate; purposeful in your daily and longer scale living, speaking, thinking and aspiring. After all, the key message of Love your God; Love your neighbor as yourself and the example of Turn the Other Cheek are good ways to reflect back on ourselves.

But reading and discussing 1 and 2 Corinthians the past few weeks, it occurred to me today that all the firm but caring advice that Paul writes to the fledgling congregation(s) at the city of Corinth could also be a useful check on one's own personal and congregational life. His key message comes up in various ways again and again: it stems from his experience of being a high level religious functionary who was thrown off his donkey and blinded on the road to Damascus. He dwells on righteousness and reconciling oneself to conform with the Lord's will; realigning oneself to be true and in tune with The One. Paul also has detailed observations and correctives on matters of interpersonal relationships, order of service, manner of praying and so on. So taken as a summary, WWPD is a quick way to reflect on the workings of one's own congregations and of one's personal path.

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