Oct 3, 2012

M.O. (modus op..) (Motive + Opportunity)

From watching detective shows and "Mystery!" on PBS TV, I know that figuring out the context and events of a crime require both a motive and opportunity to bring the chain of events into action. Transferring this same way of thinking to action in God's world, it seem there are countless daily opportunities to be a witness or example, to apply your skills, time, care and money to small and long-term miseries. Maybe we need help to recognize or realize an opportunity when we see it (hiding in plain view; unintended consequences of comment or action we ourselves have set in motion), but probably the bigger ingredient that we lack is the motive. That is, with so many distractions and myriad details of complicated, wired and wireless, financially interwoven lives, there is a certain fatigue in one's waking mind. We fail to care or even perceive pain around us. As a result our eyes and minds skim past other people's problems and maybe our own in order to get to the next attention grabbing thing in our paths. So the way to bring motive and opportunity together to commit a Christ-like act is to explore our hearts until we discover something that causes (e)motion and moves us to react to the opportunities in our reach.

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