Sep 20, 2013

Ownership or Identity or Love?

Curiously these words overlap in some important ways. 2 Timothy 2: 18 says the Lord knows those who are his. This idea of agape love has the mixture of ownership, possession, melding consonant with one's own being or identity on the one hand, and genuine feelings of affection and/or duty and loyalty on the other hand. Understood as intersecting the meanings in this way, the commandment to "Love God with all your heart, and to love your neighber as yoursel" takes on added meaning: Now one should aim to be harmoniously in tune with the rhythm of God's dynamic presence, as well as resonating with the spirit of one's fellows great and small. And to stray out of alignment, out of tune, out of touch, disconnected is again the visual image of 'sin' in its meaning of going off the path and out of the Way - of the Truth - of the Light; it is missing the mark on the target. 

Thus one should own up to being God's child and take possession of the Kingdom that one inherits filled with fellow creatures to care for and lavish with love. This is one's human identity; what one is and is meant to be.

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