Oct 2, 2013

Grace (undeserved & godly) versus Mercy (undeserved and granted by Allah)

Word roots sometimes give a clue to underlying foundation or undercurrents. The Merriam-Webster dictionary says that GRACE comes from gratia for pleasing, grateful (akin to sigh), while MERCY comes from cost paid or wages (maybe in the sense of being treated or being paid for by someone else). Interestingly the unspeakable name among the Creator God's names that is rendered in condensed form YHVH is supposed to carry the root for a Quality of Grace and Mercy together. Since there is some intersection in the terms, how can they be distinguished or accurately related to each other? Perhaps one is more about the spiritual (pertaining to "Love Your God") and the other is more about the ethical (pertaining to "Love Your Neighbor as Yourself"). In other words, GRACE is between you and God, while MERCY can touch matters of God, but also matters of human justice. (pleas for the one in power to display mercy to the condemned or compromised).

A good deal of Christianity seems to revolve around the idea of God is (agape) love, while Judaism seems fixated on God is holiness, and Islam sees God in terms mainly of The Merciful (in a position of judgement and holding all power). Seeing both words, grace and mercy, through the lens of each of these Abrahamic traditions could be a good way to finely define the terms.

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