Dec 17, 2014

Grace but also Justice, Truth, Righteousness

Surely all but the unforgivable sin will be wiped away by God's bottomless grace. But that does not mean there are no consequences, costs, risks or harm coming from one's sin. These will meet with the refiner's fire to destroy the bad parts and leave only the good parts. Human minds and mortal logic could never shed light on the entirety and meaning of this process of realignment and bringing sin back on track with what is right, good and true. Looking from the development of the believer's deepest heart, the ability to receive and appreciate grace given depends on the attitude and strength of one's heart and the intensity of love for God. If a person is distracted, preoccupied or otherwise not attuned to the voice of God, the face of God, the abiding presence and outworking of God's hands, then that person will fail to understand the language of God; fail to hear when Grace is given; and therefore fail to reply when asked.

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