At the evening Advent by Candlelight worship service we heard the verses of prophet Malachi 1:6-14 and 3:1-4, 6-18. There is much of the Old Testament vengeful God about the scolding, shaming and simultaneously fiercely loving message there. As in times of old, still today there are those who confuse worship and Religion with a set of practices or outward forms, rather than to see these as mere process to what is important; that is seeking after God and deeply desiring him to be present in good times and bad times, ever present and all merciful.
We heard of the value of silence when letting a verse settle into one's mind, especially for electronically burdent friends among us. Distraction is just a buzz, whistle or chime away. A few worshipers told of instances when God spoke through sign or person nearby. It would seem that God is all around, but few speak his language and thus perceive his voice; see his face, observe his hand at work.
Part of what participating in church life outside of the weekly shared worship time is to strengthen one's heart; its capacity to hear others and its ability to respond to the quiet, persistent call of God every day. As such the church and its programming of small group study, praying, and service to each other and the community of strangers all around is a kind of fitness center for the strengthening of one's heart. Not the cariovascular organ but rather the thing that allows us to hear and speak to each other heart to heart. That makes participation in a body of believers just as important as regular exercise of the body. If you are not sweating then you aren't working hard enough!
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